
Hello, my name is Beorn. Welcome to my hall!

Long have the Beornings fought against orcs, trolls, and other fell beasts. When we’re not battling monsters, we enjoy a rousing game of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game. My hearth and home are welcome to all friends of the free peoples of Middle-Earth. Come in, have a seat, enjoy a nice cold mug of mead and some honey-cakes. Listen as we recount tales of bravery in the face unsurmountable opposition. Questions and comments are welcome, or you can contact me directly.

bear print

48 Responses to About

  1. I made a few favicons for your blog (if you like). I’m really enjoying your content, keep up the good work!

  2. whatfroth says:

    This is a fantastic resource. Many thanks for all your hard work and effort so far.

  3. boronind says:

    Rediscovering the game now after a long hibernation, thanks in large part to yours and other folks’ blogs on the game. Would like to pick your brain about the game if you’re willing. I’m down the road in San Antone btw. Not sure how to contact you, though.

  4. Mr LongHair says:

    Are the decks you build for each scenario buildable with only cards available from the base set and up to that scenario? (e.g. can I build your Dol Guldur deck only using the base set and your Search for Golum deck with only the base set and that expansion). Just wondering, loving the game but after destroying the first quest with Leadership using the base set, the Anduin quest is utterly destroying me. 🙂

    • Beorn says:

      Yes, the decks in Beorn’s Path can be built using the cards released up to the scenario in question. The decks that I used to beat the core set scenarios are built using only cards from the Core Set. As I built decks for each new scenario, I included player cards that were released in that Adventure Pack. Good luck!

      • Mr LongHair says:

        Thanks for the really fast reply! I have only had this game about 2 days so I still have a lot to learn.. I have built a Leadership/Spirit deck to try but I look forward to using this blog for tips or straight up decks if I get stuck 😀

      • Beorn says:

        Yes, the decks in Beorn’s path are a good start for deck building with the core set. It is great to hear that you are already working on your own deck. If you want inspiration, the Decks section has other decks that you might like. Just be warned, many of these decks include cards that you may not have purchased yet:


        Also know that you can contact me directly at HallOfBeorn@gmail.com if you have questions.

  5. Shadin says:

    Just wanted to say thank you for your work on this website. It’s a fantastic resource, and I know that it can be quite demanding to keep a site like this alive with fresh content. It’s greatly appreciated.

    • Beorn says:

      Thanks Shadin, I really appreciate the kind words. The fact that the LotR LCG community has so many great people inspires me to keep up the blog. Happy New Year!

  6. Brian Hjort Nielsen says:

    Great work Beorn! I just started playing LOTR LCG, actually the first card game in my game collection. (I have played aGoT LCG, but don’t own it myself). I got the core set a few weeks ago, and have since added the Mirkwood cycle and the Kazadum expansion. I haven’t tried to build any multi sphere decks yet, but i googled around to find a site that could help me along the way. Now I have found it, so thanks for the effort Beorn, now i will try to go about building my multi sphere decks, with a huge amount of input from your blog! Cheers from Sweden // Brian

    • Beorn says:

      Thanks for the kind words, Brian. I have some good friends from Sweden, so it’s always nice to meet a new Swede. Good luck, and happy adventures in Middle-Earth!

  7. I just started playing this and stumbled upon your site. Just wanted to say it is fantastic, and a great help to a new player looking for advice. Well done!!!

  8. Silverthorn says:

    I’ve been reading and enjoying the blog for a long time. I’m trying to complete 200 games of LOTR in a year, starting with the Hobbit scenarios, and Beorn has been lending a paw or two to the efforts and acquittied himself honorably all the way to the Battle of Five Armies and beyond.

    Keep up the good work.

    • Beorn says:

      Greetings David,

      200 games is quite an ambitious goal, I commend you on your efforts. I wish that I had the time to play that many games. As it is, I play as often as I can, but less often than I would like. Beorn works particularly well in the Battle of Five Armies, one of my all time favorite scenarios. Not exhausting to defend is such an underrated ability. Good luck on your games, sir!

      • Silverthorn says:

        I know how handy Beorn can be since I tag-teamed him with Legolas (with another deck healing him as much as possible. The next game I’m trying is Nightmare mode Conflict at the Carrock so it’s Beorn on home territory.

  9. Anirudh Bishnoi says:

    Hello (Namastey!) Beorn, greetings from India!

    This blog has been absolutely spiffing for a newcomer like me. Got this game last weekend and spent two days trying to beat the Passage through Mirkwood quest and was absolutely murdered; my overconfident, useless heroes brutally butchered by puny spiders and unholy treacheries.

    But then I understood the concept of mixing decks (I am new to the whole playing card genre) and have gone through your leadership/lore set example for the first quest and this is just what I needed! My first time playing a card game (you don’t see much of these types back in India, just the original humble playing cards) and I feel confident that with a little luck, proper strategy and a growl or two from Beorn; the good shall prevail over evil. Much thanks again!

  10. bodasafa2014 says:

    Your site is a great resource and I have tried many of your deck builds. I enjoy your articles and suggestions. Keep up the great work, you have many loyal readers out here Beorn! A few of us hail from the deep woods of the State of Maine.

  11. GW says:

    I have benefited immensely from your blog. I play solo and am intent on playing it with a single deck rather than two-handed. I own 1 core and 1 Black Riders deluxe. I have yet to see any real explanation of the benefit of two core for the long run, given that I have also read things that suggest the card pool is such now in the total collection that core cards do not appear much in decks down the road. Can you advise on the effects of owning a core in the current state of the game? The usual answer I find is the “2 core is a must for FFG LCG.” And I can see that in some of the other LCG’s I play. But I’m perplexed by LOTR. Can you offer wisdom?

    • Beorn says:

      Thanks, GW! I’m glad that you are finding the blog to be helpful. At this point, I would not say that a second Core Set is a requirement. I got an additional Core Set because my wife and I play, and I wanted to have enough cards so that we could both use certain powerful cards (like Feint and A Test of Will) if we wanted to. For someone playing one-handed solo, I do not see a second Core Set as a requirement. However, I would not say that Core Set cards are not used any more. If you look at the Decks that I have posted on this site that certain Core Set staples appear again and again. These cards are powerful and work in many different decks, but aside from Unexpected Courage, you have at least two copies of each of them without having to buy a second Core Set. You will find with the newer expansions like The Voice of Isengard and The Black Riders that you can make some powerful decks by simply combining them with the Core Set and a few Adventure Packs. For example: one of my most powerful decks uses Éomer (from The Voice of Isengard), Éowyn (from the Core Set) and Prince Imrahil (from A Journey to Rhosgobel AP). These kinds of decks take advantage of the steadily growing card pool, but they do not require a second Core Set. Ultimately, the choice of buying a second Core Set is up to you, but I would not ever say that it is a requirement. Good luck!

  12. Dalinair says:

    Great Blog you got here, its been crazy helpful to be starting out with the lord of the rings card game and im loving all your advice and guides. I am currently in the process of trying to build my first deck (have tried some of yours and like them but is always good to make your own eh!) though do find some of the cards hard to come across, have you ever done proxies for your games? if so what is your thoughts on it and how do you make them? (ones for games like magic the gathering are really easy as you can print exact size cards off from various websites but LOTRLCG doesnt seem to have the same level of support and im yet to find a similar website!).

    Keep up the good work.

  13. Jonathan Baker says:

    Any chance you will be at BGGCON this year?

  14. Martin says:

    Hello, Soft Mires card quantity is 4 in my deck instead of 3 you have in db. Can you recheck?

  15. valziman says:

    Do you have any tools to log wins/losses etc with?

  16. Johnny Hunt says:

    He, I wanted to say your site has been a HUGE help to a new player and has me excited to continue on my journey through this amazing game. That was all really. So, thanks!!

  17. Regan Greene says:

    We’re new to the game and based on posts on the facebook group, so are lots of other people. Thanks for creating this and for keeping it alive.

  18. RD says:

    Thanks for creating this site, very useful resource for players.
    Have been using the card search to organise my collection and noticed that Flame of Anor has been listed under the Fellowship sphere rather than the Neutral sphere.

  19. migal says:

    What decks would you recommend using to teach new players (I would need 1 for myself, 1 for the new player)? Thanks.

    • Beorn says:

      Howdy Migal. I would suggest two of the new starter decks: Dwarves of Durin and Elves of Lorien should play well together. If you haven’t played the game before, start with the recommended decks from the Revised Core set, but once you’re familiar with the rules of the game those two Started Decks will be fun to play and should compliment each other nicely. Welcome to the game!

      • migal says:

        Well, I meant that the friend is a new player. I’ve been playing for a while now, and I haven’t really taught anyone much before (or at least I think I’ve always overwhelmed them). I want to get one of the starter decks later, they look really good, but I need to do something for this weekend. I was thinking about your Beorn’s Path decks, Seastan’s Single Core Set decks, or maybe one of Roka’s beginner decks (https://ringsdb.com/decklist/view/25302/beginnerdeckthearmiesofgondor-1.0). Any ideas?

        • Beorn says:

          Beorn’s Path is find for learning the game with Passage Through Mirkwood. Multi-sphere is more work for new players, so a mono-sphere deck like the one you’ve linked may be a better choice. It depends on how much card game experience your friend has. This game has a bit of a learning curve, so a mono-sphere deck where each hero has a well-defined role will help mitigate the overwhelming nature of trying to learn everything at the same time.

  20. SD says:

    The Card Search is out of work for weeks or months. Will it work again in next time?

    • Beorn says:

      The card search is working. It is likely that your ISP has blocked the IP address. If you have access to a VPN you can try visiting the site through that and you won’t have any problems. Alternatively, you can reach out to your ISP. For some reason, certain ISPs have the site listed as a scam site.

  21. Lanaos says:

    Hello Beorn,
    Just wanted to thank you for all the resources you’ve made available through the ages. We are totally in love with the advent calendar this year!

  22. Kiroshi says:

    Hi Beorn,

    Thanks for the amazing job you are doing!
    Just wanted to say that for the Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion the number of Losing Time burdens is 5, not 4(see campaing card no. 6).
    Also, are we going to see the dream chaser campaign cards updated? I can send you the scans in private if you want. 😀

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